2 years! <3<3<3
Yesterday was my second year anniversary with Andrea! It seems pretty amazing that time passes really really quickly and so much has changed. Since the 3rd of April 2005, I've gained weight, grew my hair out long, got smarter, starting to not care much about social networking sites and of course loved Andrea even more and more :)) MUACK* <3 Hahaha!
Anyways, dear Andrea baked me 150 cookies and some very sweet brownies, and she made me a sweet sweet card as well! I think its a lot sweeter to come up with presents to give to your loved one. Theres a more personal touch in it and you can sense the effort and hardwork put into. Thank you so much Andrea! You've really made me a happy happy bunny boy, and you're still and forever will be my motivation to wake up in the morning. I love you more and more everyday! <3 <3 <3 LOL!!

Haha! I gave Andrea a box filled with red shredded paper, bodyshop body mist, soap, some photos of us I printed out and an envelop with a special special card inside. So go imagine that yourselves guys. I hope you liked it :))
So yesterday I treated her to PastaMania to complete my whole anniversary package gift and we walked around town looking for stuff to buy. Darn I've got lots of items that I need but I've just not got the money to get them :(( so please help by donating to the WCAF! We Care for Aza Foundation needs your monetary support real bad )): Hahaha!
Here's a list of stuff I need:
-at least 2 more tshirts (because my 2 year old image 2001 shirts have holes)
-a pair of sandals or slippers (because my slipper's sole's gone and I'm not a big fan of shoes now)
-another pair of bermudas (because I only have 2 pairs. Sometimes you might notice food stains on them)
-another pair of jeans or long pants (because my hippie jeans are getting overworked)
-a notebook as in a book filled with papers to write notes and stuff (because I'm planning to pwnage the rest of my school life)
So now you might be asking, "Go get a job bum!". Yes I would, if there were job vacancies that allow me to work on weekends only. I'll be too friggin' caught up in school and specialist diploma )): I hope i win the lottery >.<
Anyways, I got my allowance and since I've only got 2 weeks of school in april, I decided to spend some money to get 1 new shirt. So I got this Fruits Of Loom shirt from HMV for $25! Cheap cheap! Hahah

Its like a Brian Family Guy Tshirt. I like family guy. Could I have some 6000 chicken fajithas? Hahahaha
Yep. Anyways we had a blast yesterday. We sat at our favorite Starbucks by the bay and talked about anything and everything and then talking a romantic walk by the bay under the pretty lights of the city <3 Hahahaha
I think sometimes, public displays of affection should not be frowned upon. Whats wrong with showing your loved one how much you're in love with him/her with a long intimate kiss (minus groping because thats like outrage of modesty in public)? Hahahaha!
Singaporeans are a weird bunch and the generation gap is huge. Our parents used to lived in villages and went through a very conservative lifestyle while we now grow up with the advances of technology, the media and more exposure to other cultures.
I think the former should put a sock in it and start wearing goggles if they don't want to see lovers kissing in public. The latter should also put your hands in your pocket and realize that showing someone you love him/her isn't suppose to look like soft-core porn.
Anyways, dear Andrea baked me 150 cookies and some very sweet brownies, and she made me a sweet sweet card as well! I think its a lot sweeter to come up with presents to give to your loved one. Theres a more personal touch in it and you can sense the effort and hardwork put into. Thank you so much Andrea! You've really made me a happy happy bunny boy, and you're still and forever will be my motivation to wake up in the morning. I love you more and more everyday! <3 <3 <3 LOL!!

Haha! I gave Andrea a box filled with red shredded paper, bodyshop body mist, soap, some photos of us I printed out and an envelop with a special special card inside. So go imagine that yourselves guys. I hope you liked it :))
So yesterday I treated her to PastaMania to complete my whole anniversary package gift and we walked around town looking for stuff to buy. Darn I've got lots of items that I need but I've just not got the money to get them :(( so please help by donating to the WCAF! We Care for Aza Foundation needs your monetary support real bad )): Hahaha!
Here's a list of stuff I need:
-at least 2 more tshirts (because my 2 year old image 2001 shirts have holes)
-a pair of sandals or slippers (because my slipper's sole's gone and I'm not a big fan of shoes now)
-another pair of bermudas (because I only have 2 pairs. Sometimes you might notice food stains on them)
-another pair of jeans or long pants (because my hippie jeans are getting overworked)
-a notebook as in a book filled with papers to write notes and stuff (because I'm planning to pwnage the rest of my school life)
So now you might be asking, "Go get a job bum!". Yes I would, if there were job vacancies that allow me to work on weekends only. I'll be too friggin' caught up in school and specialist diploma )): I hope i win the lottery >.<
Anyways, I got my allowance and since I've only got 2 weeks of school in april, I decided to spend some money to get 1 new shirt. So I got this Fruits Of Loom shirt from HMV for $25! Cheap cheap! Hahah

Its like a Brian Family Guy Tshirt. I like family guy. Could I have some 6000 chicken fajithas? Hahahaha
Yep. Anyways we had a blast yesterday. We sat at our favorite Starbucks by the bay and talked about anything and everything and then talking a romantic walk by the bay under the pretty lights of the city <3 Hahahaha
I think sometimes, public displays of affection should not be frowned upon. Whats wrong with showing your loved one how much you're in love with him/her with a long intimate kiss (minus groping because thats like outrage of modesty in public)? Hahahaha!
Singaporeans are a weird bunch and the generation gap is huge. Our parents used to lived in villages and went through a very conservative lifestyle while we now grow up with the advances of technology, the media and more exposure to other cultures.
I think the former should put a sock in it and start wearing goggles if they don't want to see lovers kissing in public. The latter should also put your hands in your pocket and realize that showing someone you love him/her isn't suppose to look like soft-core porn.
I WANT THAT SHIRT! family guy is awesome! but south park owns.
Could I have some 6000 chicken fajithas? HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
Now that everyone has jumped onto the south park > family bandwagon i started, let me declare that... simpsons > all.
And yes aza, it isn't supposed to look like soft-core porn. HARDCORE ALWAYS!!!
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