Monday, August 27, 2007

Eat Japenis, Learn Chinese, Trannyformers

Last Thursday I finally spent quality time with Andrea with a day-out in town. We caught a movie, and we ate sushi, sweet sweet sushi. But moreover, I really liked the Japanese ice cream which stingy Sake Sushi only allowed 2 measly portions per person during the buffet. :(

Sake Sushi and Suki Sushi offer sushi buffets at about the same price. So which is better?

Well it depends on what you want. Suki Sushi's got a lot more variety in what you can have at the buffet. Sake on the other hand, does not have the variety, but has better ambiance. So if you're going on a "stuff yo face" fest, I think Suki would be better. If you want to eat your sushi they way you eat French slow food, and at the same time enjoy nice environment with your date, Sake's best.

Moving on, we watched Rush Hour 3 with actual Asian ass-kickin' male Jackie Chan and nigga-yo Chris Tucker.

Okay well Chris Tucker ain't really "nigga from da hood", but he makes a really funny actual black, black Michael Jackson. Hahaha! Overall, the story has a pretty predictable storyline (as with the previous Rush Hour films), but we all know we're not into the movie for the story. The series is dedicated to delivering the funny and the Jackie Chan action moves and I must say Rush Hour successfully delivers that formula. So if your looking for a brainless, but incredibly fun Hollywood flick, this is it.

Other than that, Andrea and I just walked around town and then we took a long bus ride home. Thanks for taking me out for suuusheeee girl! I had lots of FUN! <3 LOL!!

I've been getting and playing lots of new games and I just have to talk about Trannyformers (Transformers) the game.

I think this is a pretty bad screenshot of the game, because to be honest, Trannyformers is an INCREDIBLE FEST OF SUCK and a total waste of space on your hard disk.

Lots of people who've not played the game, but are huge fans of the movie are probably feeling sad for what I said but take it from me, it's a really bad-dong game.

I actually found the movie Transformers, pretty great. The story was pretty suck I must say, but the visuals, special effects, action??! MOFOizedly good. So I thought it was more of an all flash movie.

The game however, has NO flash and NO substance. Along with that throw in really really bad controls which respond really bad-ly, bad graphics (no no its not my PC that limits it. Watch the movie, now straight after play the game you'll get what I mean), no cool sound effects and just utterly terrible irritating and short gameplay, you've got yourself a recipe for a ton of rusting metal, which even the Allspark or WD40 won't fix.

Come over my place and experience the suck. Harsh Hahaha

Having lots of time on my hands also lead me to educate myself on customizing my desktop and learning how to get a screenshot of my desktop. The internet is filled with geniuses whose wonders never cease to amaze. Hahaha!

Who needs Vista?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Varri Nicee

Alright so its been about two months and a day now. I am finally back to all those who have stumbled here after randomly clicking blog links or if you've had a spelling mistake in the URL. LOL!

Projects long over, irritantsover, studying over, exams over.. Varri Nicee :))

The reason why I've been gone for so long is because I've been really busy. You can't comprehend what I mean by busy. In fact, I myself was not able to comprehend the level of shit and work I was receiving. So much so I started to look back my whole life and wondered what I did to deserve such rubbish. Fo' real hommies, those were the darkest days of my life.

Not only was I doing most of the work that was meant for five, to top that off I received absolutely no gratification, support or appreciation from them. Only degrading remarks and jokes which did not make it any better. But now, since its over, and I made it through, I've decide to let it go.

I've learnt a lot from my experience, and to make sure history does not repeat itself, in terms of work, I will take more pro-active steps to prevent myself from landing in the same situation again.

You guys are a nice fun bunch to be around with no doubt about it. But when it comes to work, I don't want to be the guy who does most of the work.

Moving on, the exams were pretty much alright, so no worries there.

Also, two months and one day is a long time, here is the most interesting thing I discovered.

Our ape ancestors were more likely to have mated with petunias than an alien organism in the evolution of apes to modern humans - National Geographic Channel

Haha. Here some mindless videos to make up for loss time :)

This is a must watch You'll never see Bollywood song and dance sequences the same way again.

Andy Milonakis \m/


Thats it. All I can say is I'm looking forward for a long break, play some computer games, hang out with some old friends and spend lots of time with Andrea <3 <3 <3 LOL!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

terrifying worms

Hey everyone. First off, I'd like to tell everyone to be very very careful of what you do on the internet. Always make sure you've got an anti-virus software and a firewall software running and don't trust shady websites (including those shady porno sites haha!). But most of all, have lots of faith and always back up your stuff on an external hard drive, or end up like me ):

No no, I honestly have not visited any of THOSE^^ shady websites! I know better! Haha. But still, for some reason, I woke up this morning having realized that
something ate all the important files my computer needed to run. Worms must have got ):

So I had to friggin' reformat my hardisk! All my music! My games which I spent so much timing downloading! And most upsetting! My pictures!! All those memories )): It's the second time I lost my pictures. The first was when my mom threw away my old computer without asking. Along my pictures were 2 Beatles albums, the entire discography of Jimi Hendrix, and Forty Licks Rolling Stones album!! ):

This a sad sad day ):

Anyways, I've just returned from my trip at Langkawi. It was really great and I would want to go back if I could. It's one of those trips where you leave with a heavy feeling in your heart. As climb the stairs up to the plane, you look back at the place, feeling a sense of loss and sadness ):

Of course I was happy I was going home to Andrea, my friends, my house and my pussy cats, but Langkawi was just so peaceful with its sandy beaches, rolling hills.

No large crowds to jostle with to get onto the morning train, no worries of homework or projects, no one around to judge you and stuff (besides my friends, I kinda feel that where ever I go people are always looking and judging :( ).. it was really paradise and I seriously needed a break. It was so pretty there and the people were friendly too.

Bumming by the beach, listening to Sergion Mendes and Cuban inspired chillout felt really good. If I had a glass of cocktail would be nice, but you know, even if I was 18, I could get into deep shit consuming alcohol in Malaysia :P Hahahaha!

You know I had a buttload of pictures but guess what, the SD card decided to be a bitch when it got onto my desk so NO PICTURES! AGAIN! :( gosh I'm getting sick of getting owned by technology ): Hahaha

Speaking of getting owned by technology, Nadjmi came to stay overnight. We planned to hook up our computers by my wireless and guess what, it didn't work! So I got owned again spending hours through the night trying to fix the problem till a point I felt enslaved by the computer and all I saw were algorithms and zeros and ones hahaha

Anyways I had fun with Nadjmi. We Xboxed instead and called over Macdoodles. It was good to have company at night. My pussy cats aren't reliable to keep you company. A minute they're all lovey dovey with you for food, and after you've fed them they hide in some cozy spot to sleep. Hahaha

Well I got back earlier than my folks to celebrate my birthday with Andrea and start studying sooner. I had a really really great time with her! <3 <3 <3 We watched a movie, went around shopping, had liqueur coffee at TCC, shared vodka filled chocolates and we ate half a chicken at Kenny Rogers! :)

Oh yes! I've finally got a new messenger bag! :D The old converse bag was passed on to me by my sister, when she bought it a long ass time ago, its old. My new bag from the project shop's real PWNAGE! mmmm!! sexy sexy feeling suede X.X hahahaha

Just want to say thank you soo much to you Andrea for the TCC treat and for helping me buy the bag! I LOVE YOU SO VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH! <3 MUACK* LOL!

And of course to all you guys who wished me a happy happy birthday.. Thank you so very much! :) I'd didnt think you guys would have remember so thank you so much for the effort Haha

I think thats about all. This is a pretty boring post because THERE NO PICTURES ): Sorry.. Haha!

But if you've managed to read it through congratulations! I love you <3 Hahahahaha!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

K & D Sessions

Hello! Since like Andrea helped me add this cool Last FM widget (do check it out! Yes! I listen to Miley Cyrus and Spice Girls! No joke!), and my current two-week semester break (with still buttloads of work), I'll spare some minutes to blog. Haha!

So here's the 4-11, reason, explanation for not blogging for a while. Firstly after my e-learning week, I was kinda busy trying to finish all my projects and presentations. Then, for some reason I feel really really sick. I felt like shit and I had this incredibly painful sore throat which lead to a throat infection :(

But alls well now I'm feeling much better thank you. Haha! Besides that, I've celebrated my 2 years 2 month-th-th anniversary with Andrea on the 3rd of June MUACK* love you so much Annddweeeaaaa <3 HAHAHA! :) So as usual we took a trip out to town, ate something exotic, did some shopping and we went home.

OH! And Andrea almost lost her toes!! :( Like her slippers got stuck in the escalator for quite a bit. Yes yes I'm sure all of you are snickering at us for wearing slippers and flip flops all the time, but it's incredibly scary when something like that happens. Poor Andrea! :( Please please be more careful okay? Hahaha

I think we should all stand like me. Have your both feet pointed to each other at all times when you board the escalator. Sure people would think your a sissy but hey, better be safe than sorry hahahaha!

/ = Feet

/ \ = Feet posture while standing to ensure safety

Gosh I'm corny hahaaa

Also, my birthday's coming up! I'm really looking forward to buying new threads and what not. I also plan to set aside some money to go drink some fancy shamancy cocktails at The Balcony or somewhere, so tell me if your interested :)

Last of all, I'll be leaving for a holiday to fabulous sunny langkawi from the 14th to the 17th of June. Really looking forward to get away for a while. But I really really wish I could pack Andrea in my backpack to come along with me :( Ill miss her loads..sigh HUGGS* hahaa

Haha alrighty cheers!

Friday, May 25, 2007

hello ring ring

It's that time of year again! Yes! Its e-learning week! Rejoice children, for a donkey wagon load of assignments and projects await happy girls and boys who have been good all year. As the children lay comfortably tucked in bed, school comes up with ways to keep them occupied and drive them nuts even though they know their servers are equipped for the massive amount of students logging in at the same time.

Personally, I don't mind elearning week. In fact, I like the idea that I can do what I need to do on my own time(which would have lead to major procrastination like last year). But I took on a mission this year on to quit slacking and I kept up to that.

I have officially completed what needs doing for school as of now! 25th May 2007, 12:15 AM. Hahaha

I have completed:

DMA assignment - check
OM contributions - check
ConB assignmnet - check
MMR assignment - check
Law assignment - check
Feature writing elearning - check
THE SHIT feature writing 1200 + word essay + 200 word persuasive argument + appendix required - CHECK!!!


Well, the reason for this lack of procrastination? I just want to complete everything as soon as possible so I can have a couple of days off :)

Anyways, I went out taking photographs with Andrea last Sunday. We went around City Hall taking architectural shots for her DTP. Most of the photos I took were crap ): But Andrea's definitely improved her photography skillzors :)

I found it pretty sad the old supreme court was littered really badly with empty alcohol bottles and there was pee pee on the floor ): I'm not patriotic or anything but come on, what are people going to think of Singapore if they happened to stumble upon the place? Please act responsibly. Sadly, it is likely those responsible for such moronic behavior share the same color as myself :(


Anyways here are more pictures! :)

Ooo pretty lights!

I have this affinity for elephants

I made a weird shadow

Haha! And thats about it for now :)

Andrea turns 17 today! So I'd like to wish her a happy happy happy happy birthday! MUACK* I love you soo much! I hope you liked your birthday treat with me! :) <3 LOL!!

I'll blog about it tomorrow when I get the pictures from Andrea C:

Friday, May 11, 2007

After everything I've done

Jokes are fine. We've got to laugh at ourselves once in a while. It helps us to lighten-up and not be so critical of who and what were are.

But I draw a line. I have feelings and limits too. I'm not a "free-for-all" punching bag just because I seem weak.

Friday, May 04, 2007


Haha So I'm back after a very very very very long time of not blogging. Bleh. I know what your thinking.. Aza's going to abandon his blog like what he did with the previous one because he got lazy.. well you could say that. Haha but you'd be wrong. :P

Well school's started, and I've been bombarded with a shit load of work and projects. Actually not really a shit load, but since this year I'm making an initiative to quit slacking around, I've been studying and revising almost everyday, and trying to complete my work as soon as I get it. Haha "Doesn't sound like Aza," you may wonder.

But as corny as it sounds, I've realized the value of money and the importance of good education and training, to gain as much knowledge and experience as I can, in order to secure a good career in the near future.


So, what I've been doing to prevent myself from stressing out?

Doing random acts of stupidity once in a while and turning away to utter something not particularly intelligent to my friends have kept me going on. Oh and being able to see my dear andrea <3 <3 <3 once in a while adds to the icing on my delicious cupcake.

Yesterday was our 2 years 1 month anniversary. So thats like (365 X 2) + 30 days of love. MUACK* I love you so much! Hahaha! Always without fail on our monthly anniversary, feelings of how I felt like on the day she said yes would flood my mind, and I get really really Andrea crazy for the next couple of days, which results to randomly writing her name, drawing and taking random pictures everywhere. <3

Haha so anyways, I've gotta go to school soon. Here's something random for you. Try out this and check out your visual DNA. Hahah

The sky's real pretty today :)